How to Uninstall an Air Conditioner Step by Step?

If summers are approaching, then you must have make some plans about how to keep your home cool to get some relief from hot summers. The best solution that mostly people opt is to get installed an air conditioner in their home or office. So if you have already installed one at your place its good but if you haven`t then you should get it done before the severe hot summers approaches.

In another scenario if summers has gone and you wanted to uninstall your split air conditioner because you wanted to use the same space for some other purpose until next summers, then it is definitely a good choice. You can uninstall your air conditioner and get it again installed in coming summers. But for all this you must know the steps to follow as well as the equipment you require. This project is only worth if you know how to use different equipment because if you don`t know or you are not comfortable with the use of even basic equipment and tools then you should not carry on this project and hire the services of some professional who can get your work done on your behalf. So if you really want to uninstall your split air conditioner, then following are the main tools and equipment that you require.

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Newspaper
  3. Ladder
  4. Tray or bucket
  5. Builder’s putty

Most of the people consider installing split air conditioner because it can not only keep your space cool but also allow you avoiding any sort of damage to your doors and windows. You can easily fix it with the help of few screws and by making some holes in the wall. But with the passage of time, you may need to replace it either because it has stopped working properly or some electrical problem or any other issue. If you are facing any of these issues, it’s better to get rid of it by uninstalling it.  So if you are going to uninstall it, following are the steps that you should have in your mind before you actually start its uninstallation.

Disconnect the power

Disconnect the Power
Disconnect the Power

Mostly you can see that there is split air conditioning inside and outsides units that are not attached to each other, which make it simple to uninstall these. But one thing that is very important before you start the process of uninstallation is to make sure that you have switched off your power supply. The best thing is to unplug the main wire or take it off from the connection box. No matter what electrical appliance you are working on, it’s better to turn it off before proceed further.

Take inside unit down

Take inside unit down
Take inside unit down

Once you unplug the main wire/ power supply, then you should unscrew the copper pipe, that basically connect outsides and insides units. To make sure that you don`t create any mess, it’s better to place a tray or bucket underneath both sides so that you can easily catch any sort of spills from refrigerant.

After placing the bucket below, you need to unscrew the inner unit and place it on the table with the help of newspaper or any other similar thing. Once the main unit is removed you should look for removing the wires or any other similar parts that are required to be removed. Once you remove all the connections and wires, and then leave it to clean itself from any sort of refrigerant.

Removal of outside unit

Removal of outside unit
Removal of outside unit

After removing the inside unit, you should now go to the outside unit. Most of the times it is placed higher than the inner unit, so if this is the case and you are using ladder, then be very careful. First of all remove wires and pipes from the outer unit and then unscrew the main part from the wall. In case if it is fixed with brackets then you can easily lift it down. In case if there are still some wires/pipes or any other thing that needs to be removed, you should remove it and let it get empty by placing it inside you porch or store room.

Patching of hole

Once you remove the split air conditioning unit from your wall, you will find a hole in the wall. If you are looking to replace this old air conditioning unit with the new one, then this hole will automatically be covered up, but if you are not looking to install a new unit in place, then you should block or fill the hole with the help of cement or builder`s putty.

Safety First

You must know that there is proper procedure to follow for the disposal of any electric appliance as well as toxic liquids. So when it comes to the disposal of your air conditioner, you require taking help from the professional who know the proper procedure and way forward. He can help you with the local laws and guide you about the steps to follow. For this you can also contact your area`s sanitation department they can also provide you proper guidance about what to do and how to do.

Another thing that comes in safety while you are looking to uninstall your air conditioner is that don`t stand on tip-toe or chairs to trying reaching the unit. It is better to take help from the friend or use ladder. Make sure that your electrical appliances are switched off and are also plugged out before you start any kind of procedure for removal or uninstallation. Another thing is that if you are confident and have performed the uninstallation of air conditioner unit in past then it’s great you can do it yourself, but if you are reluctant and haven`t used any tools and equipment before then it is better to take help from the professional rather than wasting the time and resources. It can also save you from any kind of injury or damage to yourself and to the electrical system in place.

Peter Funchs
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